Monday 23 January 2012

Contents in the blog which will be added

1.       Automation Basics
1.1.    Automation introduction
1.2.    Advantages of Automation
1.3.    Automation in Agile
1.4.    Smoke Testing
1.5.    Regression Packs
1.6.    General Automation Frameworks
1.6.1. Record and playback
1.6.2. Function driven
1.6.3. Data driven
1.6.4. Keyword Driven
1.7.    ROI
1.8.    Problems and Failure stories on Automation
1.9.    Requirements in Automation
1.10.Planning Automation
2.       Selenium IDE
2.1.    Installation
2.2.    Recording
2.3.    Testcases and Test suites
2.4.    Methods and checkpoints
2.5.    Locators
2.6.    Rerunning the Selenium IDE testcases
3.       Firebug
3.1.    Installation
3.2.    Advantages
4.       Locators in Selenium
4.1.    Types of locators
4.1.1. Id
4.1.2. Name
4.1.3. Class
4.1.4. Css
4.1.5. Xpath
5.       JAVA - Theory
5.1.    Java Basics
5.2.    Java Installation
5.3.    Helloworld from text file
5.4.    Java Datatypes
5.5.    Class
5.6.    Object
5.7.    Method
5.8.    Static
5.9.    Inheritance
5.10.Exception Handling
5.11.Loops, conditions, switch case

6.       Eclipse
6.1.    Installation
6.2.    Create Eclipse project and Adding reference Libraries
6.3.    Eclipse Hello world
7.       JAVA-Practical
7.1.    Simple Methods and Classes
7.2.    Objects creation and calling
7.3.    Complex Java program
8.       Junit
8.1.    Installation
8.2.    Assertions
8.3.    Annotations
8.4.    Basic testing structure
9.       Selenium Server
9.1.    Downloading Selenium
9.2.    Starting selenium Server
9.3.    Starting from Code
10.   Selenium  RC
10.1.Selenium Object creation
10.2.Copying testcases from IDE
10.3.Setup and Teardown functions
10.4.Building testcases from Scratch
10.5.Commonly used Selenium RC commands
10.6.Junit assertions in selenium
11.   Webdriver
11.2.Objects in Webdriver
11.2.1.    Driver
11.2.2.    Element
11.2.3.    By
11.3.Advantages of webdriver over selenium
11.4.How elements are identified in Webdriver
12.   Grid
12.2.Parallel vs Serial running
13.   Ant Build process
13.2.Tasks in Ant
13.3.Running Ant
13.4.Integration with Eclipse
14.   TestNG
14.2.Differences with Junit
14.4.TestNG XML reports
14.5.Groups and annotations
15.   Automation framework(Selenium)
15.1.Class architecture
15.2.Planning framework as per needs
15.3.Testing Framework and matching with goals
16.   Automation reporting
16.3.Logger Class
16.4.Sample test reporting mechanism
17.   Page object model
17.2.Planning the Pages and methods
17.2.1.    Setters
17.2.2.    Getters
17.2.3.    Doers
17.2.4.    Checkers
17.2.5.    Planning business bases functions
17.3.Planning Tests
17.4.Calling the Data and locaters
18.   Continues Integration
18.2.1.    Hudson
18.2.2.    Curise Control
19.   Project 1(Online designer sarees) using Selenium RC, Junit
19.1.Explanation of Projects
19.2.Performing tasks in the project
19.3.Setting up the project in your local machines
19.4.Running the tests and generating reports
20.   Project2(Southall Travel) using Webdriver- TestNg-Ant Build process
20.1.Explanation of Projects
20.2.Performing tasks in the project
20.3.Setting up the project in your local machines
20.4.Running the tests and generating reports